Non Availability of Birth Certificate / No Record of Birth Certificate

What is Non Availability of Birth Certificate (NABC)?
In situations where birth was not registered, a Non-Availability of Birth Certificate (NABC) first needs to be obtained from the Municipality office / Union Council. This certificate is also known as No Record Certificate OR No Entry of Birth.

How MamooinPakistan will work in this case?
A thorough search will be done on the official records based on the applicant/applicant’s parent’s names at the Municipal/UC/Government authority office. If the birth is not registered, authorities will then issue Non Availability Certificate confirming that the birth was not registered with them. In some places, proof of residence like photocopies of Passport / National Identity Card (CNIC, NICOP) / Matric Certificate of the applicant/applicant’s parents has to be submitted.  In certain places, Non Availability of Birth Certificates are not issued and in those places, we will explore the possibility of issuance of Birth Certificate.

Time & Vendor fee might vary according to the complexity of the work, availability of supporting documents required for applying, and the location of the service. The additional costs incurred if any will have to be paied by the customer. MIP is also not responsible for any bureaucratic delays or delays due to insufficient or delayed documentation / information provided by the customer. MIP facilitates procurement of certificates from Pakistan and cannot be held responsible for any errors/ mistakes in names and date of birth that may have occurred at the time of birth and subsequent registration.

How to Submit Inquiry?
Click here to Submit your Inquiry for Non Availability of Birth Certificate


  1. I was born in 1969 in Sargodha, pakistan. I don't think that my birth was ever registered in municipal corporation. So I think in this case I will need Non Availability of Birth Certificate Pakistan. Can mamoo tell me what documents will be required?


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