| Give Sadqa Aqiqa Chairty Donations

Give Sadqa Aqiqa Chairty Donations in Pakistan. Zakat for poor, feed the poor, Goat for Sadqa, Qurbani online through Edhi, Chippa and Sailani Trust 9221-35347427 
Spend on charity, O'son of Adam, and I shall spend on you! The best gift is when we give it to someone who is needy or poor. There's never going to be a perfect time to give but there are always people out there in need of help. We can't find the time, always to extend a hand to give charity or sadqa. BUT now you can simply have it done through and help the poor and needy in Pakistan by giving Sadqa (charity). We ensure that your Sadqa is given to those in need. Customers are provided with proper scanned copies of receipts for all donations, food distributions, Sadqa or anything else that you choose to give in charity through At this is our way of saying that we care and our efforts in making sure your charity reaches the right people and thus we charge very minimal to almost no profit for the services provided in the Sadqa category.
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US / Canada Direct: (201) 379-5380
UK Direct: +442033724808
US & Canada Toll Free: (201)-608-6637
Pakistan : +9221-35347427


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